Microshare hospital data solution featured in white paper sponsored by Microsoft

Deployment of our Predictive Cleaning and Asset Zoning solutions brings productivity gains and lower infection risks

LONDON, March 3 – A new white paper from the UK Authority sponsored by Microsoft features a full-page case study on the gains in productivity, sustainability and cost savings resulting from Microshare’s deployment of IoT data solutions in a large hospital in the north of England.

The white paper, ’How Green is our Digital?,’ examines the tremendous impact of IoT and other digital technology in public sector infrastructure and operational systems.

“The underlying factor is that the [Microshare] technology can automatically provide a sustainability officer with all the data they would otherwise spend a lot of time collecting, freeing them up to focus on the strategic elements of the role,” the paper notes.

In partnership with the UK Authority, a website focused on the public sector in Britain, the Microsoft-sponsored paper highlights Microshare’s value to facilities managers in the hospital industry and other fields as a means of not only monitoring building performance but gathering data on sustainability like energy usage, waste management, tenant and patient engagement, and staff feedback. Such “ESG” (Environment, Social and Governance) metrics are increasingly important to both public and private sector institutions as public sentiment and regulatory pressure to green their operations increases.

“The [hospital’s] portfolio and facilities managers have been utilising tools such as the environmental and comfort metrics developed by Microshare – based on the Azure platform – in working on the sustainability of their properties,” the white paper’s authors say. ” In July, Microshare deployed a range of IoT sensors over a long-range wide area network (LoRaWAN) that has no interaction with the hospital’s core computer networks. The latter point is important as it helps to ring fence highly sensitive and regulated data within the hospital’s servers.”

Microshare’s case study can be viewed on Page 18 of the white paper.

Download the white paper here (PDF) and view the full range of Microshare’s Sustainability and ESG Solutions on our website.