Leak detection

Transformative defense against flood damage

Catch leaks when they start in pipes, ceilings, foundations

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The Challenge

Water damage in a multi-story commercial building is common and a major driver of lost NOI. Insurers use these instances to raise rates, and tenants to move house. How can small leaks and structural problems be identified and repaired before they become catastrophic?

The Solution

Microshare’s Leak Detection solution finds small leaks that eventually turn into floods and other damage. While mitigating these it also saves water key risks, identifying hidden flaws in plumbing, HVAC systems and appliances. See the problems before they become acute.

The Outcomes

Besides an average 6% savings on monthly water bills, leak detection prevents the multi-tenant anger, disruption and lawsuits that leaks often cause. On guard 24/7, Leak Detection can avert a problem US and EU insurers peg at $43 billion annually in claims and the spoiling of valuable tenant relationships.

About 75% of all real estate insurance losses involved discharge from plumbing, HVAC systems and appliances.

Leak detection

Flooding in commercial real estate costs billions annually, angers tenants, disrupts operations and drives up insurance rates. Even if tenants are insured, the cost to a commercial building is significant as is the risk to lease retention.

Small plumbing leaks eventually develop into large problems: It’s the nature of water to erode its environment. 

Microshare’s Leak Detection not only averts these disasters – it also saves 6% on consumption by identifying where routine leaks are wasting water.

Leak detection

Water damage, even after insurance payouts, can amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars in losses to building owners … Given its low cost, the ROI of leak detection is in the four digit, 1000x range.’