Raising the bar at airport terminals

Raising the bar at airport terminals

EverSmart solutions bring cost and labor savings as they mitigate reputational risk and improve customer experience

In the world’s best airports, as in the most famous stadiums, universities, hospitals and entertainment venues, EverSmart data insights are transforming facilities operations.


EverSmart Washroom allows supervisors to enforce brand standards to avoid a serious risk to customer loyalty by group sourcing preventative alerts on leaks, clogs and supply shortfalls before they damage property or reputations.

EverSmart Leak

EverSmart Leak protects your assets from the No. 1 driver of damage costs and claims loss in large infrastructure: plumbing, appliances, HVAC and roof leaks that can shut down operations and costs tens of thousands of euros to repair.


EverSmart Rodent is disrupting traditional Pest Control methods by remotely providing 24/7 alerts on rodent activity, allowing pest control professionals to provide service when its needed and not on an inflexible rotation. This means fewer site visits, less rodenticide use and a lowered carbon footprint.


EverSmart Washroom allows supervisors to enforce brand standards to avoid a serious risk to customer loyalty by group sourcing preventative alerts on leaks, clogs and supply shortfalls before they damage property or reputations.

EverSmart Leak

EverSmart Leak protects your assets from the No. 1 driver of damage costs and claims loss in large infrastructure: plumbing, appliances, HVAC and roof leaks that can shut down operations and costs tens of thousands of euros to repair.


EverSmart Rodent is disrupting traditional Pest Control methods by remotely providing 24/7 alerts on rodent activity, allowing pest control professionals to provide service when its needed and not on an inflexible rotation. This means fewer site visits, less rodenticide use and a lowered carbon footprint.

Clean Package
Microshare platform

Microshare’s Platform integrates all this data as well as your legacy systems for seamless control, data compliance, auditability and SOC 2 certified cyber defense.