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How Occupancy Data Transforms the Way We Operate Buildings

Commercial Real Estate and occupancy data: Change for the better

By Michael Schoen

Over the past several years, the importance of obtaining a more granular picture of what goes on within the walls of a building has grown dramatically. No longer inert, brick-and-mortar assets, buildings of all kinds now […]

How Occupancy Data Transforms the Way We Operate Buildings2023-03-15T19:17:56+00:00

EverSmart Washroom: The quest for the universality and simplicity


The quest for the universality and simplicity

86% of people surveyed say a business’s commitment to washroom cleanliness factors into their decision to patronize that location. To ensure customer satisfaction and avoid damage to your brand, it must be a top priority to […]

EverSmart Washroom: The quest for the universality and simplicity2023-03-29T19:29:58+00:00

Fighting The ‘Big Brother’ Fallacy In Workplace Tech – Return to Work

Fighting The ‘Big Brother’ Fallacy In Workplace Tech

By Michael Moran

With the world taking another crack at a “return to work” this autumn, a spate of stories have appeared warning of a byproduct of the global pandemic: A reset of societal norms when it comes to […]

Fighting The ‘Big Brother’ Fallacy In Workplace Tech – Return to Work2022-10-07T15:25:51+00:00

eBook: Smart Building data insights for academia


Smart Building data insights for academia

Data-driven insight transform your campus and the university experience.

Is your space being used and serviced efficiently?

Understand traffic flow and occupancy patterns in your building.

Make more informed scheduling and timetabling decisions.

Protect your staff, students and reputation from avoidable […]

eBook: Smart Building data insights for academia2022-09-19T15:38:38+00:00
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