
EverSmart Temperature / Humidity Alert

Get alerts when indoor temperature or humidity move outside your range

Temperature / Humidity Alert

Get an alert when your comfort levels get out of the norm before tenants and employees start to feel it. Studies show productivity lags as soon as building temperatures become too warm or too cold. What’s more, getting humidity levels wrong can help spread viral infection and encourage the growth of mold.

Temperature / Humidity Alert

Get an alert when your comfort levels get out of the norm before tenants and employees start to feel it. Studies show productivity lags as soon as building temperatures become too warm or too cold. What’s more, getting humidity levels wrong can help spread viral infection and encourage the growth of mold.


Stay ahead of comfort and safety issues with EverSmart Temperature / Humidity Alert. Get notified when temperatures and humidity levels go out of range.

Stay ahead of comfort and safety issues with EverSmart Temperature / Humidity Alert. Get notified when temperatures and humidity levels go out of range.

Notifications & alerts save time, boost staff responsiveness and can head off serious issues – all while improving service and measuring customer satisfaction.

  • Meets OSHA and FDA safety standards
  • Prevent moisture that causes mold
  • Choose the range that suits your facility

Notifications & alerts save time, boost staff responsiveness and can head off serious issues – all while improving service and measuring customer satisfaction.

  • Meets OSHA and FDA safety standards
  • Prevent moisture that causes mold
  • Choose the range that suits your facility

Improve tenant and employee satisfaction with EverSmart Temperature / Humidity Alert.

Improve tenant and employee satisfaction with EverSmart Temperature / Humidity Alert.


The challenge

The comfort level of your employees and customers is paramount to the ​success of your business. How to monitor these conditions and react accordingly can be a daily challenge.


The solution

EverSmart Temperature / Humidity Alert solution keeps your office, warehouse or retail business at its optimal levels to ensure happy productive workers and provide a positive experience for your customers.


The outcome

EverSmart Temp / Humidity Alert provides a simple, easy to install infrastructure to monitor your environment and receive alerts to your tablet or mobile device when it’s not up to par.

Contact sales@microshare.io for more information or visit us at www.microshare.io

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The EverSmart suite from Microshare:

Ready-to-deploy data solution with dashboards, tele-metrics, recommendations and alerts


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EverSmart Temp/Humidity Alert


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