EverSmart™ for self-storage & vacant properties
Microshare’s EverSmart™ solutions monitor your property assets: self-storage, warehouses and vacant real estate

Maintaining self-storage, warehousing and vacant properties can be fraught with risk and unnecessary expense due to damage caused by nature, neglect or bad actors.
Microshare’s Alert Engine creates simple data feeds that warn of unseen problems, including leaks, smoke, temperature changes, unexplained human activity or pest infestation.
Prevent unexpected damage and claims

“Self-storage can be exposed to many types of property-damage, but you can limit your risk by staying on top of preventive maintenance, security measures and legal concerns with smart technology.”
World Insurance Group, 2023
Meeting new expectations
The five leading causes of self-storage damage
- PESTS: Rodents and insects do permanent damage to property and reputations
- WATER LEAKS: An undiscovered leak in a sink or pipe can cost more than the value of the property in some cases
- FIRE: Smoke detectors that are not wired for alerts can go unheard, leading to a total loss or even fatalities
- ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE: Mold and condensation from poorly calibrated temperature and humidity
- SQUATTERS AND BREAK-INS: Squatters’ rights make it difficult to evict in some jurisdictions, while theft and vandalism can lead to lawsuits and loss of tenants.

Contact sales@microshare.io for more information